
Every day I go to my studio to paint and to watch a performance emerge on canvas as if my canvas were a stage. The “performers” audition as circles, brush strokes, dots, ladders, cartoon faces, grids, squares, or random shapes in lusciously vibrant to delicate colours. They arrive full of energy and anticipate my choices.

A clean, solid base, painted white or coloured, is the backdrop to my freedom-of-mind, open to the possibilities that present. Daydreaming, opens access to subliminal visuals and thoughts fueling notes-to-self.

The day acquires a rhythm yet at any time change can occur. Suddenly my mind wants a jumping brush stroke here, or an impasto grid there. It is random, but during this experiential process, the first draft becomes manifest.

Once I have a “show” that makes sense, the difficult work begins; directing, staging, and pulling the team together.

Finally, I have a complete work of art, filled with life, originality, tremendous energy and colour: a source of pleasure bringing me back daily to my art.
